March Newsletter

IMG_1768 principals announcement:

It is a real pleasure to advise you that the Year 10 Digital Technology class will be taking over the publication of the Principal’s newsletter. I will supply the content and they will organise the presentation and publishing. I will have the “editorial” say over any content which they may wish to put in the newsletter. Thank you, Mr Cajita and Year 10 DGT for an impressive initiative.


I am also pleased to announce that Ms Tapu Paitai (HOD Maori and PE) has been appointed to Assistant Principal on the resignation of Sister Lusiana. Ms Paitai is an experienced teacher and middle management administrator. She has aspiration towards a Principal ship in the future. Congratulation, Ms Paitai


Mr. Toakarawa Kabuta has been appointed to the permanent Mathematics position.

Thank you parents for the very successful turnout at the NCEA Parents and Students Evening. Twenty-six out of twenty– eight families were represented with one apology. This is the interest and commitment that we want to see. Keep checking your student’s NCEA folder.


Our attendance and punctuality is looking very good at the moment. Please, parents, can we strive to maintain 100% attendance and 100% punctuality at school. Attendance and punctuality are important social values. Students get embarrassed when they are asked why they are late — especially when their parents make them late!!

 Picture4Picture3 PICNIC 2016: Picture2 Picture5

Now the School had a great picnic at Rutaki on Friday, 12 February. This was a fun, friendship and frolicking in the water day. Significantly, it is a day of leadership development for our prefects who organised and ran the day. Well done, Prefects!

Picture10 Art Department: 

Dear Parents, Guardians, Caregivers & Students,

The Art Room is lacking in some resources. Therefore we are appealing for any contributions that would help us to build up a stock of supplies. There is no need to go and buy anything but you’d be surprised at what you can find around the house. This appeal will be for the rest of the year, so if at any time, you have one or a few of the items on our request list, please send it into school. Students can drop items off in the Art Room.




Glass jars with /without lids Wrapping/gift / Christmas paper Wood off-cut Christmas/greeting  cards
Buttons Newspapers Sellotape
Lace Colored paper/card Rags/cloths Duct tape
Margarine tubs and lids Fabric Feathers
Meats Trays (polystyrene) to use for palettes Fabric Scraps Wool
Ribbon Artificial flowers Shells
Thread Beads Corks
Wool Glitter Sponges

Thanking in anticipation

Mrs G Dixon

HOD ART Picture11

Health calendar 

PROGRAM DATE Profession Health Professional Island Visited Status
January-June 2016
Pharmacist 18-29 January 2016 Pharmacist Dr Ruth Ferguson Rarotonga Confirmed
Dermatology 25-29 January 2016 Dermatologist

Skin nurse Specialist

Dr Diana Purvis

Pauline Brown

Aitutaki (25 Jan)

Rarotonga (26-29 Jan)

Ear, Nose,

Throat / Audiology

Wk 1: 29 Feb-18 March 2016

Wk 2: 7-11 March 2016

Wk 3: 14 March-18 March 2016


Ear nurse Specialist/Audiologist

Ear nurse/Audiologist

Audiologists & OT team

ORL Surgeon


Theater Nurse


Diane Hamilton

Audiologist TBA by Dr Deacon

Dr Robert Allison

Dr Mark Chapman

Margaret Baker (AusAid-PIP)

Rarotonga Confirmed


29-February-04 March 2015 Dialectologist




Dr Timothy Cundy

Ms. Alexander Noble-Beasley

Rarotonga Confirmed
General Pediatric 18, 21, 22 March 2016 General Pediatrician Dr Danny Stewart Rarotonga Confirmed
Advance Life Support Training 21 March-01 April 2016 Resuscitation Officer

A & E Nurse Specialist

Mr. Steve Jenkins

Mrs. Nicola Jenkins


Aitutaki (1-2 days TBA)


Proposed Calendar of Health Specialist   Visit Picture6


Attached is the calendar from the HEALTH DEPARTMENT which details all visits of Health Specialists throughout the year. Please note the visit of any specialist you would like to see and make the necessary arrangements.


As a nation we are not doing well on the HEALTH CHARTS! Parents, please give your students a nourishing breakfast and a healthy cut lunch. They are so much cheaper than the shop or canteen products. Also, please talk to your child about the need for re-hydration — especially in this hot and humid weather.

Mental Health 04-15 April 2016 Psychiatrist


Dr Francis Agnew

Dr Epenesa Olo-Whaanga

Rarotonga Tentative dates, to be reconfirmed
Public Health Adviser TBA Public Health Adviser TBA Rarotonga TBA
Pediatric Life Support Training 11-15 April 2016 Pediatric Emergency Team from Starfish Hospital Dr Anthony Bell

Dr Christine Brayn

Ms Trish Wood

Ms Katherine Johnson

Rarotonga Confirmed
Pediatric Neurology TBA Pediatric Neurologist Dr Rakesh Patel Rarotonga TBA
Ophthalmology 18 April– 5 May 2016 Ophthalmologist/surgeon

Retinal Eye Specialist


Eye Nurse Specialist





Optometry Engineer

Dr Paul Rosser


Dr Alison

Dr Jo Sims

Nurse olga Brochner TBA

John Vaela

Theresa Slatter

Richard Johnson

Andries Smith










Gynecology 16-20 May 2016 Gynecologist Dr Martin Sowter Rarotonga Confirmed
Orthopedic May/June 2016 Orthopedic Surgeon Registrar Dr David Barto


Rarotonga TBA & Comfirmed by Dr Deacon


Pediatic cardiology May 2016 Pediatric Cardiologist TBA Rarotonga TBA
Adult Cardiology June 2016 Adult Cardiologist Dr Miriam Wheeler Rarotonga TBA
Orthodontic TBA Orthodontist TBA by Dr Danny Areai Rarotonga TBA

Picture8 Picture7




February Newsletter

IMG_1768 Principals Report

  1. Welcome to the first week of the first school month of 2016. Our school roll has increased to 168 and that makes us feel good because it reflects the commitment the community has to, and the faith it has in, Nukutere College.
  2. We have lost about 15-20 students to Tereora or overseas (and still our roll has increased!). If you are connected to any family who has removed a student from Nukutere College could you please ask them to notify us and formalise the withdraw as we simply do not know where some of our students are or should be.
  3. We are fully staffed with one relieving teacher teaching maths until such time as we can make a favourable appointment.
  4. We had a turou for all our new students, families and new staff last Monday, Feb 1 morning it was a joy to welcome all the newcomers in to Nukutere college community. Monday was a day of introduction and familiarisation. On Feb 4 we were in to class room and the academic timetable. Thanks to preparatory work by staff during the two weeks prior, we were able to start the year confidently.

School calendar request

Because of the change in the school calendar for 2016, we will be requesting a change from the Ministry of education .To give us more time with our level 1 NCEA students, we are requesting only ONE week’s holiday at the end of term 3 and finishing school for the year ONE week earlier on the 8th December. We will confirm this as soon as we have a response from the Ministry of Education.

741 2016 Prefects

The college held its opening mass and investiture of 2016 prefects last Friday. Congratulations to Winton Herman (head boy), Teraimateata Teataiariki (head girl), Terina Aberahama (deputy head girl), Joshua Caffery (deputy head boy), Jaedon Bates, Are Ingaua, Ryan Nicholson, Teokotai Tupuna, Dora Iripa, Joesie Pare, Emilienne Pauka and Emily Tangi-jim.


Staffing Annoucement

It is with real sadness that I accepted the resignation of Sister Lusianna Matai. Sister Lusianna has been director of religious studies for the last 10 years at Nukutere College. What she has brought to our school and the legacy she leaves us is immense. Everyone she has touched will recognise this. Sister moves out of Nukutere College but will still serve the Sisters of St Josephs of Cluny in the Cook Islands community. Sister will also mentor Mr Iokimi Narovu who replaces her.

New appointments:

Mrs Joyce Kirkham- HOD English

Mr J.C. Rey Cajita- HOD Dig. Tech.

Mrs Gina Dixon- HOD Art and Junior Curriculum

Mr Iokimi Narovu- Director Religious Studies.

Academic Rigour

During teacher only week (last week) discussion was held about maintaining an academic Rigour within the school. I spoke about this at the closing ceremonies last year and wrote about it in the 2015 magazines. The staff discussed positive strategies to address this concern. The most important factor is that the development of your student relies on 1) the school (teachers), 2) parents and 3) students who must take responsibility for their learning. We must all work together and each of us must make a contribution.

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